Friday, March 14, 2008

5th March 2008 : Arrival

It's a fine Wednesday morning and those nice people at OMLET have promised to deliver my EGLU CUBE and three chickens some time in the morning. Sure enough, about 9am a van turns up driven by a very pleasant chap. In the back of the van he has a number of EGLU CUBEs and in no time he is putting everything together in the garden for me. I didn't have to lift a finger (except to make a cup of tea).
For those who do not know what an EGLU CUBE is, here is a pic (from their website, not my garden).

About an hour later, it's all done. He spends a few minutes taking me round it explaining how everything works and then we go to get the chickens. I have ordered three Gingernut Rangers but he gives me the opportunity to have a mix of breeds and, after a moment thinking about how I will identify an individual when they are all alike, I accept. I'm ow the proud owner of two Gingernut Rangers and one Miss Pepperpot. Pictures will, of course, follow.

I'm shown how to hold them properly and then I'm shown how to clip the wings (the guy actually did the clipping, I just watched - this time). Seems a bit brutal at first but it's clear that it causes no discomfort to the chickens who barely even notice it is being done.

They are then deposited in the "cage" and immediately start scratching around and clucking contentedly.

Without wishing to appear as an advert for any company, let me say here how impressed I am with OMLET. They delivered everything they promised, on time, high quality product (though not exactly cheap) and everyone I have spoken to at the company has been very pleasant and helpful. When they include chickens in the "package", as with me, they also include enough food to last several months (it looks to me).

If I have one word of caution for any prospective purchaser (and it's not a gripe, just a suggestion), I would make sure you have an old, clean, sealable plastic dustbin (or similar) as the bag of feed is fairly large and obviously must be kept dry. I didn't, stupidly, consider this but was able to rustle something up.

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