Friday, March 14, 2008

Thursday 13th March 2008 : A week in

Well the first week of the new chickens has gone. They have settled well, getting used to me letting them out of their EGLU house each morning and having a good old "bruk bruk" around to let me know they are well.
This weekend, weather permitting, I'll give them the run of the garden for a few hours.

without any scrapping, as far as I have seen, they seem to have sorted out who the boss is. The Miss Pepperpot (known now as "Chilli") is a few weeks older than the other two (named by the kids as "Twiglet" and "Gypsy") and a little bigger. She definitely is in charge.

Each night, the two Gingernuts go up into the house first, Chilli (named for the Chilli Pepper rather than any meat dish of course) has a good old look around in the "cage", hops up into the "house" for a look around then down again for a final check before finally jumping up and settling for the night. Woe betide anyone who tries to shut the house door before she's finished her final checks. She will push her way out and cluck away to herself just like an old lady who has been disturbed in her garden. Once she's satisfied that all is well, she settles quickly.

All three seem to snuggle up into one corner of the house though the spread of muck in the trays suggests they move around quite a lot.

I've got shredded paper in the nest box area (no eggs yet of course - another 2-3 weeks before we are likely to get any apparently). Not seen any of them get in there yet and paper looks clean still.

Each morning when I open the door, Chilli's head is the first out. She hops/flutters down and has a wander around then, as if signalled, the other two follow her after a few seconds. Brilliant start to my day watching that.

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