Monday, March 10, 2008

In The Beginning

Ever had a fresh egg? Ever seen a really yellow yoke? Ever thought that "this egg tastes the way eggs used to"?
I have.
I have also tried and tried to find some way of getting such "wonders" in every kind of shop from supermarket to corner shop (and everything in between).
Now I've cracked it (no pun intended).
I've decided to get some chickens of my own.
I've read a number of other people's blogs before making the final decision as well as reading loads of other good websites (I'll add some links to all of this when I get around to it) and, possibly the best idea of all, I've spoken to someone who keeps a few chickens themselves, in their back garden just as I want to.

This blog will act as a reminder to me, hopefully be a little entertaining and may even inform some other intrepid searcher of fine eggs in the future.

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